October 22, 2024


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Social content for days — Plan ahead for August

Social content for days — Plan ahead for August


Get a jump on your campaigns

Keep your content relevant and on-topic, by identifying special days that create opportunities for your brand to join the conversation — or simply celebrate what you and your customers care most about. Let’s plan ahead for August and see what you can make with GoDaddy Studio templates.

August is all school and sport, as summer vacation ends and the academic year gets going. There’s also something comforting about getting back into some semblance of a routine again — whether it’s planning Labor Day weekend, getting your kids ready for their return to school, or looking forward to college football season.

If you’re in the travel industry — maybe you have a guest house, a tourist attraction, or own a kids’ summer camp for example — consider planning special offers for the upcoming Labor Day weekend. Early bird discounts, new offers, special campaigns — think about all those people who’ve been stuck at home during lockdowns and are now desperate to start traveling again.

They need you. You need customers. It’s a win-win.


If you’re in the retail, auto, restaurant, food and drink, or health sectors, back to school is a big moment to remind your client base of your importance and relevance in their lives (and, as a happy consequence, to sell more of what you do).

Typically ending around Labor Day, this is when school supplies, new school clothes, meal prep for lunches, and after-school daycare are on the minds of parents with younger children. It’s not a bad time to get the family car serviced, either.

It’s not just about the parents though — now is also the time to think about special offers for teachers and the students themselves (the older ones with wallets), and how they’re looking at the new school year.

Whoever you’re targeting, it’s all about a fresh start, a new look, and a new attitude, so anything you can offer that taps into that mindset is a good idea.

College football season typically starts at the end of August, so now is the time to target all those football fans.

Each week in the fall, fans come together to cheer on their favorite teams from home, at restaurants or bars, or by going to the live games. Sports bars, restaurants, food and drink companies, retail, fashion, sports goods and even outdoor equipment brands can all get on board here.

Related: How to use national calendar days to promote your travel business

National and religious holidays

There are two major religious holidays in August that you may want to acknowledge if you’re serving your community.

Janmashtami, an annual Hindu festival on Aug. 18 celebrates the birth of Krishna. This is a time of celebration that you can bring into your own business, whether it’s a special, an event, or just a simple acknowledgment on your brand collateral.

Social content for days — Plan ahead for August

Sports and entertainment

Besides college football season, August also means the US Open tennis tournament, which begins on Aug. 29. So, brush up your backhand, dust off your tennis whites and, if you’re in the sporting goods space, sports club industry or even own a bar or restaurant, make the most of this iconic sports event with some great brand campaigns.

GoDaddy Studio template with 40% off sale image

GoDaddy Studio template woman on tennis court with tennis racket

Awareness months and days

There are some really important awareness days this month that are worth highlighting to your fans and customers. National Black Business Month is in August and this is a great time to promote black-owned businesses and entrepreneurs in your space.

GoDaddy Studio template small shop roundup of local black-owned eateries

Then, Aug. 12 is International Youth Day, where the spotlight is on business owners under the age of 30. Many industries can get on board here: think fashion, music, education, sport, and food and drink. Basically, anything that appeals to a younger demographic, or any business owned by someone young is your go-to here.

GoDaddy Studio template for international youth day

GoDaddy Studio template international youth day ad for free drink with pizza

Next up is Women’s Equality Day on Aug. 26, where the focus is on female entrepreneurs and women behind the scenes. This is a great opportunity to highlight female-owned businesses that you know about and provide your support — or to toot your own horn if you’re one yourself.

GoDaddy Studio template celebrating women’s equality day

GoDaddy Studio template ad for women in leadership event

For anyone in the health, wellness or fitness space, August is National Wellness Month, which is a great opportunity to share educational content that you may be the authority on. If you’re in the medical space, what about educating your consumers on new health and wellness trends?

And you’re in fitness or food, what about the benefits of fitness to mental health, or what foods and drinks are healthiest (and that you can sell)? You could also think about putting together packs of products that speak to the wellness idea or if you’re a gym, a kickstart fitness program sold at a discount.

GoDaddy Studio template ads for national wellness month

Trending months and days

Beyond official holidays and awareness months, there are fun and trendy days that celebrate all walks of life, from pets to books to spooky superstitions.

International Cat Day

The internet loves cats and so do we (who doesn’t love a good cat meme?). International Cat Day is on Aug. 8, so if you’re in the pet, veterinary or cat-sitting space, or you run a personal blog and love these furry felines, make the most of this purrfect opportunity.

GoDaddy Studio template  celebrating cat day

National Book Lovers Day

Bibliophiles also have reason to get excited because National Book Lovers Day happens on Aug. 9. If you’re an author, run a library, or work in the publishing industry, it’s time to make a big song and dance about the stories you sell.

Anyone in the educational space can get on board really, so schools, daycare centers and colleges can join in too. Don’t forget to get your audience involved, whether it’s asking them their favorite title, offering enticing giveaways, or using your best literary quotes to inspire them.

GoDaddy Studio templates for Book lovers day

World Fashion Day

We’ve spent most of the past 18 months in sweatpants, but with World Fashion Day Aug. 21, we can place the spotlight on high fashion once again. Besides, people are now getting out and about more, and it’s time to be seen, so what you wear can get some airtime again.

Obviously, if you’re in the fashion industry this is YOUR time, but personal blogs can also get on board, posting their top looks, best tips or seasonal trends.

GoDaddy Studio template take 30% off at checkout for world fashion day

GoDaddy Studio templates for world fashion day

National Dog Day

Who doesn’t want to celebrate man’s best friend? National Dog Day, on Aug. 26, is the day to do it. So if you’re in any industry to do with animals – think pets, veterinary clinics, dog walking or sitting services or dog grooming – this is your opportunity to acknowledge our furry friends that keep you in business.

Cutest dog contests, owner-dog selfies, discounts for dogs — anything goes here, as long as it’s lighthearted and related back to your business.

GoDaddy Studio template with dog for a mobile dog grooming company

Update your designs & promos accordingly

If you’re posting on a special theme relating to one of the events above, it’s easy and impactful to temporarily update your brand identity for maximum impact.

You can do this for a day, a week or a month in line with the holiday you’re celebrating, depending on its duration.

Having your templates ready and accessible in a tool like GoDaddy Studio is a super simple way to keep the design process quick and uncomplicated. When it’s made easy like this, creating your content during the month of August can literally save hours out of your day – maybe you can even take a vacation yourself!

Create some beautiful visual content for the month of August using the templates featured here and more with GoDaddy Studio. Try it out for free now.


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