October 9, 2024


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Mongabay’s 10 most popular posts of 2020

Mongabay’s 10 most popular posts of 2020
  • Mongabay published more than 5,000 posts in 2020.
  • These are the ten most popular stories on news.mongabay.com, the global English news web site.
  • Overall, Mongabay’s on-site traffic in 2020 amounted to 140 million pageviews, a 38% increase over 2019.

As we reach the end of a tumultuous year, here’s a look back at Mongabay’s 2020.

Overall, Mongabay published more than 5,000 posts in 2020 across our five bureaus: Global English, Mongabay Indonesia, Mongabay Latam (Spanish), Mongabay Brasil (Portuguese), and Mongabay India (both English and Hindi), and another 200 translations across Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Japanese. These are the ten most popular stories for the Global English news web site, news.mongabay.com.

Mongabay’s on-site traffic in 2020 amounted to 142 million pageviews, a 40% increase over 2019. This tally excludes readership of Mongabay content republished on other sites and within social media platforms.

Thank you for your interest in our content this year.

Editor’s note: Due to a database issue, the original version of this post omitted several of the most popular stories of 2020. We’ve since added these, so the list includes all articles with more than 250,000 pageviews during the year, rather than just the top 10.

Mongabay’s 10 most popular posts of 2020
Fishermen’s catches are piling up in cold storage as demand for seafood slumps amid restaurant closures. Image by Falahi Mubarok/Mongabay Indonesia.

Sinking feeling for Indonesian fishers as COVID-19 hits seafood sales
Mongabay’s most popular story on the English news site was an article about the impact of COVID-19 on fisherfolk in Indonesia. The story, first written for Mongabay-Indonesia by Falahi Mubarok and M Ambari, was published during the first wave of the pandemic in April 2020. The article had 943,000 pageviews.

Women from the Xingu Territory unite against threats from Bolsonaro administration
Mongabay’s second most popular story was an account of the first women’s summit in the Xingu Indigenous Territory by Maria Fernanda Ribeiro. The summit involved 200 representatives from 16 different ethnicities who met to discuss paths to leadership in their communities. The article, published in December 2019, had nearly 808,967 pageviews.

Yanomami community in northern Brazil saying ‘Go away, mining companies’. Image by Victor Moriyama/ISA.
Yanomami community in northern Brazil saying ‘Go away, mining companies’. Image by Victor Moriyama/ISA.

Amazon indigenous leader: Our survival is at stake. You can help (commentary)
In this commentary, Beto Marubo, a representative of the Union of Indigenous Peoples of the Javari Valley, warned that indigenous peoples in the Amazon face existential threats from rising deforestation, anti-environment and anti-indigenous policies from the Bolsonaro administration, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Marubo, whose indigenous name is Wino Këyashëni, called upon the outside world to pressure the Bolsonaro administration to protect indigenous peoples’ rights, lands, and livelihoods. He’s asked for the Brazilian government to evict land invaders from indigenous territories, restrictions on outsiders’ access to indigenous lands, and logistical and medical support. The piece, published in May 2020, had more than 500,000 pageviews.

Using satellites to alert an Amazonian indigenous community of coca encroachment (insider)
Mongabay Founder Rhett A. Butler wrote about ground-truthing Global Forest Watch data in the Colombian Amazon. The process turned up a coca plantation within an Indigenous reserve that Indigenous community leaders were unaware of. The first-hand account was published in April and attracted 461,337 pageviews.

Indonesian activists denounce a road being built illegally in leopard habitat
Basten Gokkon covered a controversial road project in Indonesia’s West Java province which will cut through a protected forest on Mount Cikuray, home to Javan leopards and other threatened wildlife. District authorities have admitted they began clearing forest for the project before obtaining the necessary permits from the central government. The story, published in March, got 440,911 pageviews.

Conservationists welcome China’s wildlife trade ban
In an effort to curb further spread of the deadly Coronavirus, China banned the sale of wildlife in January. NGOs embraced the move, calling for it to be made permanent. The article received 439,576 pageviews.

The murky process of licensing Amazonian meat plants
This story, published first on Diálogo Chino, Flávia Milhorance looked into the licensing process of beef-processing plants in the Amazon. The story, published in October, attracted 342,220 pageviews.

New paper highlights spread of organized crime from global fisheries
Basten Gokkon covered a “blue paper” published by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy that called for greater coordination by governments around the world to tackle organized crime in the fisheries industry. The story was published in September 2020 and got 328,261 pageviews.

Photos: Up close with the saltwater crocs of Sri Lanka’s Nilwala River
Wildlife photographer Rajiv Welikala provides a firsthand account of a visit to the Nilwala River in southern Sri Lank to see the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus). Sri Lanka is home to around 2,500 to 3,500 saltwater crocodiles, which occur in estuaries and riverine systems on the western, southern and eastern coasts of the Indian Ocean island. The post, published in May 2020, had more than 325,000 pageviews.

American alligator and an invasive Burmese python in Everglades National Park by Lori Oberhofer, National Park Service

‘Don’t let your cat outside’: Q&A with author Peter Christie
John C. Cannon spoke with Journalist Peter Christie about his book Unnatural Companions: Rethinking Our Love of Pets in an Age of Wildlife Extinction, which explores the effects that pets have on wildlife and biodiversity. In addition to the billions of birds and small mammals killed by free-roaming pets each year, the wild pet trade, invasive pets, disease spread and the pet food industry are harming biodiversity and contributing to the global crisis, says Christie. The interview, published in May 2020, received 300,000 pageviews.

From vegetable plots in a Sri Lankan swamp, a forgotten eel emerges
Dilrukshi Handunnetti wrote about an elusive eel from Sri Lanka. The post, published in March 2020, had 287,687 pageviews.

Photos: Top 15 new species of 2019
Shreya Dasgupta‘s review of species first described in 2019. The post, published in December 2019, got 287,556 pageviews.

Why did Ecuador’s tallest waterfall suddenly disappear?
This Mongabay Latam story by Antonio José Paz Cardona explored why Ecuador’s tallest waterfall, the iconic San Rafael waterfall, suddenly stopped flowing on February 2. It cites experts who hypothesize that the Sinohydro hydroelectric plant located upstream is indirectly related to the waterfall’s demise. The article, published in March 2020, got 280,000 pageviews.

The San Rafael Waterfalls, a major Ecuadoran tourist attraction on the Coca River downstream from the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric project’s diversion station. It is feared that water diverted for the dam’s turbines will destroy the waterfalls’ economic value. Photo by Max Nathanson

New paper highlights spread of organized crime from global fisheries
Basten Gokkon covers a paper published by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy that look at transnational organized crimes associated with the global fisheries sector. These include illegal fishing, fraud, money laundering, corruption, drug and human trafficking. The paper calls for an intersectional, transboundary law enforcement by governments around the world to combat these “clandestine” crimes in the global fisheries industry. The post, published in September 2020, got 265,000 views.

Making a thriller out of Belo Monte hydro dam: Q&A with filmmaker Sabrina McCormick
Débora Pinto interviews Sabrina McCormick about her film Sequestrada, which tells the fictional story of Kamudjara, an Indigenous girl, and the social and environmental changes the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam will bring. The interview, published in February 2020, got 256,000 pageviews.

Mass tree planting along India’s Cauvery River has scientists worried
Nanditha Chandraprakash covered a Isha Foundation initiative to plant 2.42 billion trees along the Cauvery River. While scientists say the project is well-meaning, they don’t believe it will cure the river’s ills as promised. The article, published in January 2020, received 255,000 pageviews.

Zebra in Rwanda. Photo by Rhett A. Butler
Pair of zebra in Rwanda. Photo by Rhett A. Butler

From crisis to solutions for communities and African conservation (commentary)
In this commentary, Dickson Kaelo, Daniel Sopia, Damian Bell, Richard Diggle, and Fred Nelson argue that the way that conservationists respond to both the near-term crisis and the longer term implications of the unfolding pandemic will be pivotal for the future of Africa’s wildlife. The crisis, they write, is also an opportunity to question inherited assumptions, refine existing models, and improve conservation practices. The piece, published in May 2020, had more than 254,000 pageviews.

Protect Indigenous People’s rights to avoid a sixth extinction (commentary)
David Wilkie; Susan Lieberman; and James Watson make the case that protecting Indigenous Peoples’ traditional land rights is one of the most effective strategies for protecting biodiversity. The commentary, published in September 2020, received 251,940 pageviews.

Protect Indigenous People’s rights to avoid a sixth extinction (commentary)
Débora Pinto originally wrote this piece on the state of Brazil’s Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve for Mongabay-Brasil. It was translated into English by Matt Rinaldi. The commentary, published in English in September 2020, received 250,113 pageviews.

150 Most Popular Posts in 2020

  1. Sinking feeling for Indonesian fishers as COVID-19 hits seafood sales by Falahi Mubarok and M Ambari 943,590 pageviews
  2. Women from the Xingu Territory unite against threats from Bolsonaro administration by Maria Fernanda Ribeiro 808,967 pageviews
  3. Amazon indigenous leader: Our survival is at stake. You can help (commentary) by Beto Marubo 500,797 pageviews
  4. Using satellites to alert an Amazonian indigenous community of coca encroachment (insider) by Rhett A. Butler 461,337 pageviews
  5. Indonesian activists denounce a road being built illegally in leopard habitat by Basten Gokkon 440,911 pageviews
  6. Conservationists welcome China’s wildlife trade ban by Mongabay.com 439,576 pageviews
  7. The murky process of licensing Amazonian meat plants by Diálogo Chino / Flávia Milhorance 342,220 pageviews
  8. New paper highlights spread of organized crime from global fisheries by Basten Gokkon 328,261 pageviews
  9. Photos: Up close with the saltwater crocs of Sri Lanka’s Nilwala River by Rajiv Welikala 325,245 pageviews
  10. ‘Don’t let your cat outside’: Q&A with author Peter Christie by John C. Cannon 292,992 pageviews
  11. From vegetable plots in a Sri Lankan swamp, a forgotten eel emerges by Dilrukshi Handunnetti 287,687 pageviews
  12. Photos: Top 15 new species of 2019 by Shreya Dasgupta 287,556 pageviews
  13. Why did Ecuador’s tallest waterfall suddenly disappear? by Antonio José Paz Cardona 279,975 pageviews
  14. Making a thriller out of Belo Monte hydro dam: Q&A with Sabrina McCormick by Débora Pinto 256,808 pageviews
  15. Mass tree planting along India’s Cauvery River has scientists worried by Nanditha Chandraprakash 255,774 pageviews
  16. From crisis to solutions for communities and African conservation (commentary) by Dickson Kaelo; Daniel Sopia; Damian Bell; Richard Diggle, and Fred Nelson 252,792 pageviews
  17. Protect Indigenous People’s rights to avoid a sixth extinction (commentary) by  David Wilkie, Susan Lieberman, and James Watson, 251,940 pageviews
  18. In famed Chico Mendes reserve, Brazil nut harvesters fight to save the forest by Débora Pinto 250,113 pageviews
  19. Video: scientists capture giant spider eating an opossum by Mongabay.com 244,248 pageviews
  20. What funds are needed to prevent another pandemic? Just 2% of COVID-19’s estimated cost by Mongabay.com 241,670 pageviews
  21. In Brazil’s Bahia, peasant farmers and cowboys keep the Cerrado alive by Caio de Freitas Paes 239,960 pageviews
  22. Eu / Chinese soy consumption linked to species impacts in Brazilian Cerrado: study by Sarah Sax 238,230 pageviews
  23. Indigenous Papuans initiate own lockdowns in face of COVID-19 by Basten Gokkon 233,947 pageviews
  24. Turning the tide for an endangered crab species in the Philippines by Jen Chan 227,462 pageviews
  25. Indonesian lobster exporters, advised by a smuggler, flout domestic requirements by Fathul Rakhman 222,377 pageviews
  26. Deadly conditions for Indonesian migrant crews tied to illegal fishing by Basten Gokkon 218,208 pageviews
  27. Conservationists set the record straight on COVID-19’s wildlife links by Liz Kimbrough 215,901 pageviews
  28. $85 million initiative to scale up agroforestry in Africa announced by Erik Hoffner 210,681 pageviews
  29. Campaigners in Myanmar’s Tanintharyi region oppose $21m conservation project by Daniel Quinlan 210,291 pageviews
  30. Tool use in puffins may point to ‘underestimated’ intelligence in seabirds by Mongabay.com 198,363 pageviews
  31. Camera traps in trees reveal a richness of species in Rwandan park by Liz Kimbrough 197,900 pageviews
  32. First possible COVID-19 indigenous cases detected near key Amazon reserve by Sue Branford and Thais Borges 196,317 pageviews
  33. Agroforestry ‘home gardens’ build community resilience in southern Ethiopia by Tesfa-Alem Tekle 195,795 pageviews
  34. As COVID-19 response batters sales, Indonesia’s shark fishery gets a respite by Basten Gokkon 195,198 pageviews
  35. At-risk Cerrado mammals need fully-protected parks to survive: Researchers by Sharon Guynup 185,385 pageviews
  36. For Sri Lanka’s pangolins, forests are ideal — but rubber farms will do too by Dilrukshi Handunnetti 185,122 pageviews
  37. Bringing Christ and coronavirus: Evangelicals to contact Amazon indigenous by Sue Branford 176,615 pageviews
  38. Study: Chinese ‘dark fleets’ illegally defying sanctions by fishing in North Korean waters by Ashoka Mukpo 174,258 pageviews
  39. Audio: The links between COVID-19, wildlife trade, and destruction of nature with John Vidal by Mike Gaworecki 173,670 pageviews
  40. Narwhals beware: Killer whales are on the rise in the Arctic by Elizabeth Claire Alberts 172,035 pageviews
  41. New player starts clearing rainforest in world’s biggest oil palm project by Mongabay and The Gecko Project 171,591 pageviews
  42. Fishing for change: Local management of Amazon’s largest fish also empowers women by Claudia Geib 170,557 pageviews
  43. 2019: The year Sri Lanka’s stunning new species came to light (Commentary) by Amila Prasanna Sumanapala 170,352 pageviews
  44. Madagascar off pace to meet Aichi targets, which is bad news for the world by Malavika Vyawahare 167,830 pageviews
  45. Twelve rangers killed in latest Virunga Park incident by Fred Kockott 165,599 pageviews
  46. ‘It’s a success’: Pangolins return to a region where they were once extinct by Elizabeth Claire Alberts 162,629 pageviews
  47. In search of the ‘forest ghost,’ South America’s cryptic giant armadillo by Suzana Camargo 159,059 pageviews
  48. Where are South Africa’s great white sharks? by Heather Richardson 158,064 pageviews
  49. In Chile, scientists seek the cause of blue whales’ mystery skin lesions by Michelle Carrere 156,610 pageviews
  50. Our 20 top conservation and environmental science stories in April 2020 by Mongabay.com 155,244 pageviews
  51. For Indonesia’s Javan deer, non-protected areas play key conservation role by Basten Gokkon 154,486 pageviews
  52. Amazon’s Munduruku stage daring Christmas raid to recover sacred urns by Rosamaria Loures and Sue Branford* 154,067 pageviews
  53. Despite COVID, political divides, conservation can advance: Hansjörg Wyss by Rhett A. Butler 152,043 pageviews
  54. Rare fish-eating crocodile confirmed nesting in southwest Nepal after 37 years by Mongabay.com 144,704 pageviews
  55. Hanging with Romi: Get to know our camera trap aficionado and host of Candid Animal Cam by Erik Hoffner 144,634 pageviews
  56. Past and future tropical dams devastating to fish the world over: study by Asher Elbein 144,095 pageviews
  57. Camera snaps first ever glimpse of a troop of the world’s rarest gorilla by Elizabeth Claire Alberts 143,653 pageviews
  58. To save Cross River gorillas, EU-funded program aims to empower communities by Linus Unah 143,265 pageviews
  59. In Brazil’s Pantanal, a desperate struggle to save a hyacinth macaw refuge from fire by Jennifer Ann Thomas 142,595 pageviews
  60. A national park takes shape in Argentina as the forest disappears by Rodolfo Chisleanschi 142,300 pageviews
  61. Idea that electric cars might produce as much emissions as fossil-fueled vehicles ‘essentially a myth’ by Mongabay.com 137,168 pageviews
  62. The Muriqui: Brazil’s critically endangered “hippie monkey” hangs tough by 0 137,021 pageviews
  63. A wave-powered ferry aims to forge a new path for shipping in the Philippines by Mongabay.com 136,928 pageviews
  64. The unknown Cerrado and its colossal biological relevance (commentary) by Michael Becker 136,122 pageviews
  65. Shifting cultivation: more than a means of livelihood by Aimee Gabay 134,435 pageviews
  66. Palm oil, fire pushing protected areas in Honduras to the ‘point of no return’ by Leonardo GuevaraLesly Frazier 133,225 pageviews
  67. Protecting India’s fishing villages: Q&A with ‘maptivist’ Saravanan by Mahima Jain 132,011 pageviews
  68. Exploring the history of the Amazon and its peoples: an interview with John Hemming by Rhett A. Butler 131,681 pageviews
  69. A tale of two Nigerian reserves underscores importance of community by Orji Sunday 130,655 pageviews
  70. 500 years of species loss: Humans drive defaunation across Neotropics by Elizabeth Claire Alberts 129,078 pageviews
  71. What’s in a name? ‘Wet markets’ may hide true culprits for COVID-19 by Elizabeth Claire Alberts 128,448 pageviews
  72. Indigenous COVID-19 cases top 500, danger mapped in Brazil agricultural hub by Sam Cowie 128,382 pageviews
  73. How land grabbers co-opt indigenous ritual traditions in Papua: Q&A with anthropologist Sophie Chao by Mongabay and The Gecko Project 125,873 pageviews
  74. Shark fin stories by major media ‘misleading’: Q&A with David Shiffman by Jimmy Thomson 124,080 pageviews
  75. New snake discovery in Sri Lanka is latest twist in slow-burning mystery by Dilrukshi Handunnetti 123,325 pageviews
  76. Why I stand for my tribe’s forest: It gives us food, culture, and life (commentary) by Arkilaus Kladit 123,284 pageviews
  77. Plan to lift baby lobster export ban draws fire in Indonesia by Basten Gokkon 120,751 pageviews
  78. Where to patrol next: ‘Netflix’ of ranger AI serves up poaching predictions by Claudia Geib 120,049 pageviews
  79. Conservationists replant legal palm oil plantation with forest in Borneo by Jeremy Hance 119,452 pageviews
  80. The wild plants in your pantry—where did they come from? by Liz Kimbrough 117,948 pageviews
  81. Indonesia lifts export ban on baby lobsters aimed to protect wild population by Basten Gokkon 117,860 pageviews
  82. Illegal trade of Philippine pangolins is surging, report shows by Elizabeth Claire Alberts 117,475 pageviews
  83. Road project in economically deprived Indonesian region threatens wildlife habitat by Junaidi Hanafiah 116,139 pageviews
  84. Russia lists Caspian seals and orcas as endangered species after ‘whale jail’ controversy by Elizabeth Claire Alberts 115,622 pageviews
  85. Does Lucius Fox know? Tiny tech tracks bats (and more) by Liz Kimbrough 115,439 pageviews
  86. In Sumatra, authorities fight a resurgence of illegal gold mining by Een Irawan Putra 115,276 pageviews
  87. Madagascar shuts down ‘illegal’ gold mine but activists remain in legal limbo by Edward Carver 114,687 pageviews
  88. ‘We are all ecstatic’: Rescued wild pangolin gives birth to healthy pup by Mongabay.com 113,845 pageviews
  89. Nigeria declares new conservation zone for most threatened chimpanzee by Linus Unah 113,756 pageviews
  90. Think you’ve seen a mermaid? This Sri Lankan scientist sets the record straight by Malaka Rodrigo 113,693 pageviews
  91. Chinese boat that dumped Indonesian crews at sea was also shark-finning: Reports by Basten Gokkon 112,174 pageviews
  92. Rangers on the run: Half-marathon aims to raise funding for front-liners by Elizabeth Claire Alberts 111,648 pageviews
  93. Risking death and arrest, Madagascar fishers chase dwindling sea cucumbers by Chris Scarffe 111,406 pageviews
  94. Chinese ban on eating wild animals likely to become law: Q&A with WCS’s Aili Kang by Malavika Vyawahare 111,376 pageviews
  95. Land grab, logging, mining threaten biodiversity haven of Woodlark Island by Gianluca Cerullo 110,899 pageviews
  96. Birthday party on ship may have led to oil spill in Mauritius, Panama regulator says by Mongabay.com 110,760 pageviews
  97. Decade after BP Deepwater Horizon spill, oil drilling is as dangerous as ever by Liz Kimbrough 110,260 pageviews
  98. Spots of hope: Some good news for South Africa’s cheetahs by Tony Carnie 110,251 pageviews
  99. Forest crimes persist in Peru following Indigenous leader’s murder by Yvette Sierra Praeli 108,971 pageviews
  100. In Sri Lanka, the hunt is on for alien fish in native lakes by Malaka Rodrigo 108,498 pageviews
  101. Keystone mammal plunges 87% in Mesoamerica by Francesca Edralin 108,350 pageviews
  102. Coronavirus risk grows as animals move through wildlife trade by Stephanie Melchor 107,052 pageviews
  103. Flip-flops, fishing gear pile up at Aldabra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site by Malavika Vyawahare 106,073 pageviews
  104. For the world’s rarest gorillas, a troubled sanctuary by Linus Unah 106,011 pageviews
  105. Groups demand financial, human rights probes into palm conglomerate Korindo by Hans Nicholas Jong 105,677 pageviews
  106. Manila’s new white sand coast is a threat to marine life, groups say by Leilani Chavez 105,513 pageviews
  107. The Amazon’s short-eared dog was thought to be a scavenger. Now there’s video by Elizabeth Claire Alberts 105,001 pageviews
  108. New evidence suggests Ivorian timber merits tougher EUTR due diligence (commentary) by Brad Mulley 104,217 pageviews
  109. Colombia, ethnobotany, and America’s decline: An interview with Wade Davis by Rhett A. Butler 101,999 pageviews
  110. The fight is on to save the last clean waterway in Brazil’s Manaus by Sam Cowie 101,960 pageviews
  111. In bid to protect a Philippine pangolin stronghold, little talk of enforcement by Keith Anthony Fabro 101,936 pageviews
  112. Mystery ailments, asymptomatic individuals: Spotlight on monkeypox in chimps by Shreya Dasgupta 101,506 pageviews
  113. Sri Lanka: Rich in biodiversity, and human-wildlife conflict by Dennis Mombauer 101,122 pageviews
  114. New tool alerts ships when whales are near. But will they slow down? by Claudia Geib 101,113 pageviews
  115. In Nigeria, hunters turn into guardians of the rarest gorilla on Earth by Linus Unah 100,978 pageviews
  116. On a Philippine island, Indigenous women get their say on marine conservation by Jen Chan 100,875 pageviews
  117. Candid Animal Cam YouTube show Episode 4: Coatis by Mongabay.com 100,411 pageviews
  118. Bird’s eye view: Drone photos of the Amazon rainforest (insider) by Rhett A. Butler 98,216 pageviews
  119. Standoff over Philippines’ Didipio mines escalates despite COVID-19 lockdown by Mongabay.com 97,825 pageviews
  120. How much rainforest is being destroyed? by Rhett A. Butler 96,755 pageviews
  121. Bolivia’s jaguar seizures down as suspicions rise over new mafia by Vanessa Romo 95,012 pageviews
  122. Brazil’s Amazon dam plans: Ominous warnings of future destruction (commentary) by Philip M. Fearnside 94,908 pageviews
  123. Chinese government reportedly recommending bear bile injections to treat coronavirus by Mongabay.com 94,881 pageviews
  124. New Guinea has the most plant species of any island by Rhett A. Butler 94,792 pageviews
  125. Bug bites: Edible insect production ramps up quickly in Madagascar by Emilie Filou 94,452 pageviews
  126. Landed by the thousands: Overfished Congo waters put endangered sharks at risk by Sharon Guynup 94,382 pageviews
  127. ‘Unbridled exploitation’: Mining amendments a boon for Indonesia’s coal industry by Hans Nicholas Jong 93,504 pageviews
  128. Can public lands unify divided Americans? An interview with John Leshy by Rhett A. Butler 93,283 pageviews
  129. Brazil’s Bem Querer dam: An impending Amazon disaster (commentary) by Philip M. Fearnside 93,242 pageviews
  130. Beyond tourism: A call for business ideas that protect African wildlife, ecosystems by Heather Richardson 93,052 pageviews
  131. Two new Javan rhino calves are spotted in the species’ last holdout by Basten Gokkon 92,363 pageviews
  132. Paper giant APP’s Sumatran road project cuts through elephant habitat by Taufik Wijaya 92,096 pageviews
  133. Amazon deforestation shoots higher in October, reversing 3-month trend by Mongabay.com 91,770 pageviews
  134. Indonesia’s lobster export safeguards won’t end smuggling, scientists warn by Basten Gokkon 91,447 pageviews
  135. Indonesia’s food estate program eyes new plantations in forest frontiers by Hans Nicholas Jong 91,037 pageviews
  136. Survival of Indigenous communities at risk as Amazon fire season advances by Shanna Hanbury 90,949 pageviews
  137. Thailand’s captive elephants face starvation amid COVID-19 tourism freeze by Elizabeth Claire Alberts 90,190 pageviews
  138. In Panama, agroforestry technique of silvopasture improves ranching traditions by Erin Banks Rusby 89,127 pageviews
  139. Philanthropist Wendy Schmidt: ‘Solutions are always local’ by Rhett A. Butler 88,867 pageviews
  140. Discovery of fish never recorded in the Amazon shows richness of Brazil’s Calha Norte by Fernanda Wenzel 88,734 pageviews
  141. Europe’s ‘ruthless’ animal attractions: Q & A with filmmaker Aaron Gekoski by Mongabay.com 88,442 pageviews
  142. What one of the world’s most active volcanoes tells us about missing trees by Malavika Vyawahare 88,191 pageviews
  143. With a drastic decline in tropical fruit, Gabon’s rainforest mega-gardeners go hungry by Ingrid Gercama and Nathalie Bertrams 87,595 pageviews
  144. Indonesia presses China for witness in deaths of fishing boat crews by Basten Gokkon 87,030 pageviews
  145. Can jaguar tourism save Bolivia’s fast dwindling forests? by Rhett A. Butler 86,013 pageviews
  146. Podcast: A radio program is helping save critically endangered gorillas in Nigeria by Mike Gaworecki 85,161 pageviews
  147. Kaavan, a Sri Lankan elephant living in captivity in a Pakistani zoo to be set free by Malaka Rodrigo 84,764 pageviews
  148. Amazon tribe creates 500-page traditional medicine encyclopedia by Jeremy Hance 84,655 pageviews
  149. Technology innovations look to change the cacao landscape in Colombia by Aurora Solá 84,083 pageviews
  150. Pac-Man: The jaguar hunted for parts in Mexico by Alejandro Melgoza Rocha / Diálogo Chino 83,307 pageviews

Mongabay’s year-in-review series:

Oceans | Environment | Indonesian palm oil | Notable conservation deaths | Rainforests | Indonesia’s environment | Madagascar’s environment | Notable conservation books | Mongabay’s most popular