October 9, 2024


General Inside You

What Kind of Shooting Solutions You Need to Opt for?

What Kind of Shooting Solutions You Need to Opt for?
What Kind of Shooting Solutions You Need to Opt for?

Going hunting without having prepared and reviewed the equipment we are going to use is not a good idea. We cannot only forget something important, but it could be the origin of some mishap during the hunt. As a general rule, before reaching the field, we must check that the knife, if carried, is secured in its sheath, that the cartridges correspond to the caliber that we are going to use, and the weapon’s barrel is not obstructed. 

Mainly when we use weapons of different calibers or rifles with interchangeable barrels, there may be cartridges of other calibers in the bag or that we take a gun with a barrel of a different caliber, with the screws incorrectly tightened or even missing. The AR-10 rifles are right there for you to opt for.

Handling Weapons Hunting Cross Country

When we walk, we always have to carry the weapon secured, especially when we go through bushy areas or travel through very irregular terrain. There have been many accidents when the shotgun or rifle is accidentally fired, which must always go with the barrel to a place where there is no one when the trigger is caught with a branch or the hunter loses his balance and falls to the ground. 

What if, while you have the insurance, a piece is torn off? Well, while we face, we remove the safety and shoot. It may seem complicated, but with practice, it is not, mainly if we use a double-barreled shotgun because the security is easier to operate with the thumb. Still, you also have to learn to do it with the semiautomatic ones. 

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After firing, we reload and re-secure the weapon before continuing the march but always bearing in mind that if we fall to the ground because we trip and the shotgun or rifle receives a sharp blow, it can go off even if it is on the safety. This is because most locks do not disarm the percussion mechanism. 

They only prevent the trigger (trigger) from rolling back. For this reason, for some years now, the so-called “firing mechanism tensioning knobs” have been imposed (especially on rifles), which act by dismounting it. Therefore the weapon cannot fire even if it suffers a violent blow. 

Fixed Positions 

You must enter the post with the unloaded weapon, especially if it is a turret. And although in the position the risk of falling, in principle, seems less, to avoid it whenever we are not going to shoot the shotgun, it must remain secured or firmly supported and with the barrel to a safe place when we do not have it in our hands. When waiting at night, it is essential to observe these safety regulations and, if possible, use rifles fitted with a tensioning mechanism. He is not the first hunter to fall asleep, and his rifle has fallen from his hands. Maybe you like Online classes.

The Scope Is Greater Than We Think 

Perhaps because a shotgun shot is not effective at more than 50 meters on a small game, almost everyone thinks that pellets have a short range compared to a bullet. And so it is, but few people are unaware that the shots reach a much greater distance than they think, even if they do so widely disperse and without energy to kill the piece.